These nightstands don't have much redeeming value as is, pretty ugly color if you ask me.
But of course I see them as much more than this, and see what they could become. Watch and see the transformation!
The nice thing about chalk paint is that you do not have to prime first. And when you are dealing with a piece that is faux wood and you can't sand it chalk paint it a wonderful thing!
I used Annie Sloan chalk paint here, French linen and old white. I mixed the two together to get a lighter grey and Used old white in the trim and edges. The Top I will use straight French Linen.
It took a very steady hand and a good paint brush to paint the grey over the white. On previous projects I have painted the grey first and white last and let me tell this way was much easier. I actually sand lightly in between coats, because I am going for a smooth finish in the end on this one.
Already looking better
A little clear wax and they are done! Aren't they cute!
I think painting the hardware white really softens the whole look.
I think painting the hardware white really softens the whole look.