This poor baby had been painted and refinished so many times it was just plain ole tired looking. When I pulled the drawers out there was white, teal, and pink residue from previous paint jobs. The hardware had that 80's look and does not work on an early 1900's dresser.
Once I posted this on my Facebook page I had a buyer and I was able to paint it and stain it just how she wanted it.
The first thing I tackled was to strip down the drawer, top, and side panels so I could re-stain them a darker richer color. I would like to tell you what color stain I used, but I mixed a few to get the color I wanted.
I used a new product on this one, or at least new to me. I used Shabby Paints in Licorice. They have a product call VAX that you use to protect the paint instead of wax. It goes on with a brush or a sponge, and is water based and really easy to use. I am sold on this product!
I also like to paint the back, to me it just feels finished.
Here is the new hardware I bought at Hobby Lobby
I think it turned out really nice and sophisticated!